Monday, January 1, 2018

Canoeing with the Cree - 75th Anniversary Edition

In 1930 two novice paddlers Eric Sevareid and Walter C. Port launched a secondhand 18-foot canvas canoe into the Minnesota River at Fort Snelling for an ambitious summer-long journey from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay. Without benefit of radio, motor, or good maps, the teenagers made their way over 2,250 miles of rivers, lakes, and difficult portages. Nearly four months later, after shooting hundreds of sets of rapids and surviving exceedingly bad conditions and even worse advice, the ragged, hungry adventurers arrived in York Factory on Hudson Bay with winter freeze-up on their heels. First published in 1935, Canoeing with the Cree is Sevareid's classic account of this youthful odyssey.

Praise for Canoeing with the Cree

"Canoeing with the Cree is an all-time favorite of mine."  - Ann Bancroft, Arctic explorer and co-author of No Horizon Is So Far

"Two high school graduates make an amazing journey . . . showing indomitable courage that carried them through to their destination. Humor and a spirit of adventure made a grand, good time of it, in spite of storms, rapids, long portages and silent wildernesses." - Library Journal

Paperback: 248 pages
Publisher: Borealis Books; 1 edition (2004)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.7 x 7.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces

"Canoeing with the Cree is an all-time favorite of mine." - Ann Bancroft, Arctic explorer

"I read this to the children and they LOVED it. The sense of urgency and suspense builds as the boys journey into the wilderness with winter coming, and true adventure stories keep my children riveted."
- Noname

"I liked the rawness of the story and the courage of these boys which are traveling without any modern convince. In the end they are transformed into young men and will never be the same. I liked how they did not listen to the critics along the way."
- Cheryl Connor

"If I was a high school English teacher, this is the book I would choose for the summer reading assignment. It's got history, adventure, geography, and is one of the great all time reads. Eric Severeid is such a good writer that you savor every word. I didn't want it too end.
Ken Burns should look into making a documentary about this story."
- Peggy

"I had seen this book and finally got around to reading it. I knew who Eric Sevareid was, but didn't realize this adventure took place when he was fresh out of high school. I really enjoyed the book and wish I would have found it sooner. I believe the telling of the story nicely reflects the writing style and the perceptions of the era. Since Eris and his paddling partner were still teen-agers when they accomplished their journey, I think this story would make a great inspirational story for young people. I highly recommend it."
- Jcw

"Great quick read! Written in the language and lingo of 1930's, but a very honest and wonderful account...those kids were so muchmore in tune with nature than our screen-addicted youth of today!"
- Hikerdog

"I bought this book on a whim because I had read Eric Sevareid's "Not So Wild a Dream" and liked it very much. This book is absolutely amazing. An adventure story on the order of Call of the Wild or White Fang. Two young men, just out of high school, undertake an extremely dangerous canoe trip which has never been done before. I think a key phrase would be 'unbeknownst to them'. They did not know it would be so grueling, so long or so treacherous. They were young, athletic outdoorsmen and thought they could do anything. It probably has something to do with today's prevalence of cell phones, GPS devices, sophisticated camping and outdoor gear, and most people's basic lack of first-hand experience of wilderness in general, that makes this story so remarkable and totally thrilling. You just can't believe what these two young men go through or how they can summon the fortitude to finish the over 2,000 mile long canoe trip, full of obstacles, one after another after another. Freezing cold, rain, so many mosquitoes they could kill a man, getting lost, no maps, no fire, unexpected Indian encounters--can they trust them or not? It could mean paddling hours or days in the wrong direction. No food, unexpected miles and miles of portages, overturned canoes....the list goes on and on and on. There was a wild-ness that I don't think we can ever know again. Eric Sevareid's narrative is so understated and compelling I sometimes could not believe what I just read....they did WHAT? When it was over, I felt like those two young men could have accomplished anything. Eric Severaid became a newsman and traveled the world. I don't know about the other one. But I'll bet he accomplished whatever he set out to do.
I wish this book was taught in schools instead of some of the books they choose for the kids now."
- Carmen Miranda

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